We have a number of different resources available for you, some free, some available for a reasonable price.
Please click below for access:
The Idiot's guide to cats (pdf & bonus video)
How to love and protect your pets (without feeling the need to apologize for caring) (video course & bonuses)
So you need a new job. Also called "Now what?!!" (video course & bonuses)
Current activity and links
From employee to entrepreneur (ongoing)
We found that the efforts of well-meaning people are oftentimes hampered by a focus on doom and gloom, instead of what is possible, thereby missing valuable opportunities. Here you can find a list of positive examples of Win-win situations and further resources.
External resources
These are links for specific resources external providers offer that we trust. For some of these, we will be Affiliates (so we make money if you click on the link), and we have indicated where this is the case, but we will only ever recommend those service providers that we found genuinely helpful at an outstanding level. Some are simply providers whom we found very helpful ourselves:
New developments - environment, science, AI, robotics, medicine - Singularity Hub
This is a great Web-site to keep apprised of new developments that are coming, new areas of interest, which can not only help you anticipate the changes that are coming, but may well give you an idea of what you may want to do in future, what your mission really is.
Competitions to solve the world's biggest problems - Xprize
This is a great site for those who do have some money to spend but were never really fulfilled with what they have been doing until now. Here you will find competitions that will literally solve the world's biggest problems, and if you win, you don't only get the prize, but also likely a chance to develop your solution into a business that could save millions or even billions.