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How to find win-win situations between humans and animals
without compromising on profit!
Sustainability used to be seen as a lose-lose proposition - either companies walked all over the environment or they lost out on profit. That has changed now! And we will show you how:
Modules 3
Sessions - 1 public, 2 privately available
We offer a 3-hour presentation for businesses which introduces the main concepts to the organisation. When you book the more in-depth win-win course, it will be tailored to your organisation's requirements. However, there will likely be certain pieces that will be interesting to most organisations, which will also be covered in the presentation, so here is a taste of what we may provide:
We will not publish a free public video about mindset here due to various reasons. However, mindset is obviously a vital part in every change project, and change projects will be made or broken with or without it, as you can see in the slide below. So we will include and integrate pieces about mindset in every talk or course we will deliver for you.
Disclaimer: All pieces about mindset that we teach have been practiced by us in real-life changes, and usually, they are proprietary to us or publically available, as they resulted from real-life experiences or were taught to us in school, by the various cultures we lived in, in sports, or come from other disciplines. If the group we talk to is small enough, and we are therefore authorized to do so, we may introduce some concepts from other people giving the appropriate credit. In the much rarer event of one-on-one coaching (which is not part of the regular package) we are authorized to use a whole array of additional techniques, for which we will also give appropriate credit, and the knowledge about these techniques may obviously inform the one or other question we will answer or advice we will give in a talk or course, but we will not teach other people's material to bigger groups even if we are aware of it unless there is an official ad-hoc affiliation/authorization of some sort. However, the public techniques we teach in bigger talks and our own experiences alone make up for a good 60 minutes and will suffice in most cases, if a separate talk is requested.
Examples of win-win situations
(that other companies have found):
This is also not a video we will publish publically for free, however, if you have followed us on LinkedIn over the last 6 years, you will have seen quite a large number of examples. We have also collated quite a few sources here.
For those interested in the 3-hour business presentation, it can be booked here, and you may contact us for more information (e.g. scheduling) here.
For those who have already heard the presentation and/or want to book the full in-house course, please contact us here so we can adjust it to your requirements.

Nevelle Limited
Company No. 14539981
128 City Road
London EC1V 2NX
United Kingdom

About Petra Lohmeier
Petra Lohmeier has a unique background with a wide variety of professional experience in various industries, which gives her unique insights, as well as the ability to cross-pollinate between businesses and industries.
She spent over a decade managing change in different capacities in large international corporations while working as a negotiator, legal counsel, derivatives lawyer, consultant, and change manager. Most of these companies were Fortune (FTSE) 500 companies (2 of which are currently Fortune (FTSE) 100 companies), She has worked for clients in the US, the UK, Germany, and Canada directly while working, collaborating or negotiating with colleagues and clients on all continents (except Antarctica), and she has now widened her focus to change management in a sustainability context, looking for win-win situations between humans and animals & the natural world.
Before entering the corporate world of power politics and big money, she spent years working in entertainment and for various charities, and she never stopped volunteering on the side.
She is qualified as a lawyer in two jurisdictions (Germany & England & Wales, currently non-practicing in both), and holds various other qualifications and certificates for project & change management, as well as Life Coaching (Robbins-Madanes Training). What gives her a creative, out-of-the-box thinking perspective is that she also has a background as a professional actress under the name "Phyn Nevelle" (see www.imdb.com).
"Petra was a wonderful coach, mentor and teacher. I learned so much from her about negotiation tactics, legal drafting, the technical background to certain clauses and why counterparts needed certain provisions. Petra helped me understand how to find compromises and when to stand firm, but also why and how to find win-win solutions that would accommodate both parties’ needs. I felt incredibly well prepared even before I started my official training as a lawyer... I experienced how seamless communication can be between people from widely different backgrounds and disciplines... All in all, working with Petra was excellent preparation for practicing as a lawyer in a highly technical field."
Netanya Clixby, Legal Counsel (Secondee) at Deutsche Bank
"During her time at Goldman Sachs Petra has proved an excellent adviser to the Interest Rate Derivative Operations Team with regard to the legal framework (in particular German Master Agreement and ISDA) of our trades."
Antje Dornig, Clearing Product Design & Supervision at Eurex Clearig AG, Deutsche Boerse Group

Giving back has always been a part of our philosophy which is why we are committed that
50% of the net profits of all our revenue-generating activities, including the proceeds of this course, will go to charitable causes!
We currently support :
local wild cats in Spain (rehoming, feeding & neutering)
Trees for the future (trees.org)
Soil restoration (Savesoil.org)
Operation Underground Railroad, saving children from sex trafficking (https://ourrescue.org/)
We also supported the following charities in the past (either personally or through the company), among others:
Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital, Englandhttps://www.sttiggywinkles.org.uk/
Wildlife Rescue Association Vancouver https://www.wildliferescue.ca/give/
Wildlife Rescue Association Trent Park, London (http://www.wras-enfieldwildlife.org.uk/)
© Petra Lohmeier, all rights reserved.
Nevelle UG (haftungsbescrhänkt)
HRB 731659
88677 Markdorf